Brian Dare will be presenting an interactive professional learning session for primary and secondary teachers working with English as an Additional Language/Dialect
students. His presentation will focus on the importance of knowing the cultural and linguistic background of EAL/D students to assist them in learning across the curriculum.
This session is suitable for primary and secondary teachers working in mainstream classrooms as well as in Intensive English Centres.
You can view the flyer for the event here
Brian Dare is an international consultant in language and literacy. He and John Polias are the two international tutor trainers for and the writers of How Language Works (HLW); Teaching ESL Learners in Mainstream Classrooms: Language in Learning across the Curriculum (TESMC: LiLaC); Literacy for Learning (LfL); and Teaching Young Children in English in Multilingual Contexts (TYCEMC).
Bookings are closed for this event.