How to prepare students for the Reading and Viewing section of the EAL/D WACE exam, particularly the synthesis section, is a PL being held at Cyril Jackson EAL/D TDS on Satruday May 28. It is a joint workshop between Cyril Jackson TDS and WATESOL presented by Khalin Driver and Louise Dodman This is an update of their popular 2013 presentation.
Khalin Driver is an experienced Level 3 Classroom Teacher of EAL/D. Her classroom practice was the subject of an AITSL ‘Illustrations of Practice’ video exemplifying Lead Teachers nationally. Most recently, Khalin has assisted in compiling the 2016 EAL/D Good Answer Guide Louise Dodman is the Principal Consultant for EAL/D at the School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA). Prior to this, Louise was a teacher of EAL/D to Year 11 and 12. Louise is an experienced marker of the Year 12 EAL/D WACE exams.
Department of Education teachers are welcome to attend at no cost, but they must pre-register. To register follow this link and click on register, or copy and paste the URL below or go to the PLIS website and look for us under events, May 28
If you are not employed through the Department of Education and would like to attend this event, please register using our online ticket booking system below ($15). Tickets are available on the door for $25, however we would prefer bookings to be made online so that we can cater correctly for the attendees.
Enquiries: 9379 5156
Bookings are closed for this event.